Commercial Productions

Bowdoin College will consider cooperating in film, video, and photography projects, especially those that it regards as educational or documentary in nature, but it must review all proposed projects in detail to determine if they are compatible with the College’s mission and purposes.
  • While Bowdoin College encourages filming ventures when they benefit the College’s programs and public image, care must be taken to ensure that the College’s normal routine is not unduly interrupted. It is important that the College community have access to facilities. Use of classrooms is dependent on the schedule of regular academic use. Unless prior arrangements are made, permission to film anywhere on the campus is contingent on agreement to allow some access to all locations where filming is taking place.
  • Those wishing to use Bowdoin College as a photographic, film, or video location must submit a written request to the Office of Communications and Public Affairs and must provide scripts indicating in detail the subject of the project and how the subject will be treated. The request and scripts must be submitted forty-five days in advance of the desired shooting dates.
  • The College will assess a location fee based on the complexity of the project, the amount of time spent on campus, and the commercial or non-commercial nature of the project.
  • Bowdoin College’s name may not be used in the script or in publicity about a commercial project without written permission. All scripts and photo shots are subject to approval by the College prior to any filming. Identifiable buildings, landmarks, trademarks, and logos may not be photographed unless specifically permitted. Precaution must be taken to ensure that the College does not appear to endorse commercial ventures or political causes or candidates.
  • When commercial photographs or films are to be taken on campus, a written contract containing waiver of liability and indemnification provisions, necessary use permits, a damage deposit, and insurance coverages naming the College as an additional insured must be obtained prior to any filming activity. In addition, each film project must undergo a safety review by the Security Department and the Facilities Management Department. It is mandatory that these requirements be fulfilled before any project begins. Bowdoin College prefers to negotiate contracts with a minimum of three weeks advance notice and reserves the right to deny contract negotiations if the timeliness factor is not observed.
  • The College will name a location coordinator to act as liaison between Bowdoin College and the production company. The location coordinator will be present during all shooting and will provide assistance to the production company. Per hours fees may be assessed by the College for staff assistance. Use of facilities management and/or security personnel will be billed at standard rates plus benefits.
  • Since campus parking is limited, the College reserves the right to control the number of vehicles permitted on campus.
  • At the option of the Office of Communications and Public Affairs or the Department of Athletics, these guidelines may not apply to the news media.

For further information, contact Doug Cook, director of communications. Email: Phone: 207-725-3964. 

Revised: June 4, 2014